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Clubs : Money And Credit Crunch

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How to make a fortune if you are OK with risk

By: Dannyboy [18-March-09 4:33PM]
95 posts

If you don't mind taking risks, then now is a great time to go and buy shares.

There are basically only two options if you buy shares now and keep them for a few years...

Either one you will lose all the money as the company will go bust.

Or secondly, the stock market will go up a lot and each individual company is likely to go up a lot too as the credit crunch has affected virtually all stocks on the market, so the result of this will be that you make a lot of money.

If you spread your money between a few companies and don't mind the risk of losing everything, there is a great chance to make loads of money over a 5-10 year period now.

Previous: If You Have Credit Card Debt Pay It Off Now
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