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Clubs : Poetry And Writing Poems

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My First Sonnet

By: Daveyc [10-June-09 1:18PM]
117 posts

Here is a sonnet that I have written, called "Illusion of Equality":

Tis the noblest and yet the greatest of lies
When it is said that all men are equal when born
For must it not be simply the strangest of eyes
That sees equality between the queen and the pawn
Some are born rich and complete with silver spoon
Whilst other babes are more in alms than arms
Must he who declared this equality not be a loon
As accurate a statement as from a reader of palms
We humans simply cannot bear the resounding truth
That life bestows status upon us by the rolling of dice
Unequal squalor and opulence offer Nature's flagrant proof
That a concept's not true just because it's nice
We're not equal in possessions, freedom, treatment or rank
But if that to you is equality you're mad - let's be frank!

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