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Clubs : Truth About Food

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What we really know about food

By: Daveyc [18-January-09 4:50PM]
117 posts

Despite what you read in the papers and all the surveys and spectacular results and conclusions drawn that are ohsoprecise, we actually know very little about the impact of foods on the body.

When you read sensational claims such that seven cups of coffee make you hallucinate or that fish oils are going to give you a super memory, actually no one knows that this is true, and often in fact people know it is false but hey since when did newspapers let the truth get in the way of a good headline.

The bottom line is that a good mixed diet without too much focus on one thing is pretty much all that we can say is sensible.

Other than that, don't read too much into newspaper headlines... after all if you did one day you would believe food x killed you whilst on the next day that same food would actually reduce your chance of several diseases by a percentage plucked out of thin air!

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