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10 Unusual Signs They're Interested In You

Relationships : Finding Love

When somones fancies you, they might not show the obvious signs, maybe because they're shy.

1. If they dont talk to you, they may be scared they'll make an idiot of themselves so would rather say nothing. Go and talk to them and get a conversation flowing, ask them lots of questions to make them feel relaxed.

2. Teasing is another sign, although more often associated with schoolkids, however if they make fun of you in a cheeky sort of way chances are they really like you.

3. Again if they hide from you they may lack self confidence and dont want to make a fool of themselves.

4. If they appear as if they dont remember you then its possible they dont want to seem overly keen.

5. They may ask to split the bill on a date as they wont want to show they're really interested at this early stage.

6. Their posture improves when they see you. Standing up straight and pushing their shoulders back...

7. If they flirt with your friends, they may do it to impress you and get an approving word in.

8. If their friend flirts with you, then they may be trying to get you to go on a night out with them as a group and therefore not show they're too keen just yet.

9. If they babble random nonsense to you then they probably like you more than theyre letting on.

10. They might ring you up about something random, just as an excuse to phone you.

By: Danielle

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