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How To Deal With Being Dumped

Relationships : Teenagers

If you've been dumped, then it can be a real blow to your self confidence. What can you do to pick yourself up and not feel miserable?

Well, the key is to try not to dwell about it. Forget about it and move on. If you had good times, then remember them and not the bad parts.

Make sure that you do not lock yourself away, but get right out there again with your friends and stay busy. Dwelling on things will only make you miserable.

If you keep active, you will find you are too busy to miss your ex and feel down about it, and no doubt will soon meet someone else through all your socialising.

Everyone gets dumped at some stage - remember all the top actors and actresses who even say about being dumped at school by their childhood sweetheart. It happens to us all and is no reflection on you.

By: Carlton

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