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9 - Write For Magazines

Business : Small Business Ideas

There are now more magazines than ever - the shelfs at the newsagent are overflowing these days.

And this means OPPORTUNITY. They are all crying out for people to give them good articles to publish, and many are willing to pay.

Here's what to do:
write or email the editor of the magazine and ask what sort of articles they are looking for. This gives you an in and targets your material.

When you hear back, write about the topic in question. Ensure that you research and research so that your article comes across as the opinion of an expert. Ensure you hit the word limit and address the tone to fit the magazine - read a few copies first to judge the tone of the magazine.

Then submit away, and wait for the next assigment to come!

By: Job Expert

More setting up a business advice

How easy is it to get magazines to write for? especially over the internet

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