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Airbrushing On Photoshop


If you want to quickly fix your photos up you can do this on Photoshop.

Open your photo
Use the spot healing tool and set to create texture, clicking on the spots and blemishes to make them disappear.

You can also create a duplicate layer, and apply the dust and scratches filter which can be found by going to filter- menu - noise - dust and scratch filter.
Set the radius between 1-5 and the threshold as zero.

Use Gaussian Blur by going to the filters and selecting again it is best to set radius between 1-5.

You can get a tanned look by going to Layer - New Adjustment Layer and selecting sepia/color or hue and making it higher.

You can also add some brightness to eyes and lips by getting the paint tool and adding dots of color into the eyes, will look better if it is the natural color that is already present.

To the lips add some natural hues of red that are already present.

If some strand hairs are flying around you could use the spot healing tool to remove those too.
Or the clone tool to add some strands of hair by selecting the hair that is already there and adding carefully around it.

Make sure your saturation and hue levels are all good, this could make your photo look brighter so you can perfect them depending on what you want the photo to look like.

On Google you could search for some tutorials to help you airbrush your photos too!

By: Jade

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