How To Bone And Carve A Chicken
Food And Drink : Main Courses In order to carve a chicken, you have to sucessfully bone it. to do this you need to use a short bladed, sharp knife. Remember to always keep the knife against the bone so that the carcass will be clean. Firstly remove any string. cut off the wing tips. cut the skin along the underside/backbone of the chicken. work the skin and meat away from the carcass until the leg joints are exposed. Then cut the sinew between the ball and socket joints. Holding the rib cage away from the chicken body, carefully scrape the breast bone clean. cut the carcass away from the skin. you can now take the thigh bone in hand and with the knife in the other hand, scrape the flesh down to the bone to the next joint. Cut around this joint and continue cleaning the drumstick until the whole leg bone is free. Lay chicken flat and turn flesh of the legs and wings inside the chicken. Flatten flesh so it is ready for stuffing. Remember to save the bones in order to make home-cooked chicken stock!
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