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How To Charge For Copywriting

Hobbies : Writing

One dilemma that many people face when starting out in copywriting is just how much to charge.

Clearly you want enough that it is worthwhile - and profitable for you - without putting people off, charging too much and having them go to a cheaper supplier!

You will find that many people tend to quote per 100 words, and this is therefore the format of quote that many people will expect.

This makes sense - there is a set time that 100 words will take you on average to craft, so that's a good benchmark to set.

If you leave things open ended and just quote a certain sum for a project, you might find yourself ending up having to do a lot more work than you bargained for!

Therefore always be specific in your quotes and talk in terms of number of words. That way the client knows exactly what they get and will be clear that if they add 'just one more page' to their requirements, that they will have to pay accordingly!

By: Job Expert

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