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How To Check Your Credit Card Bill

Self Development : Money

When you get your credit card bill, you might be surprised by the amounts on it. Most of us forget the occasional spends that we make on the card, and the bill can creep up higher than we think it is.

But how can you check that every amount on the bill is actually something that you have spent, and not a mistake or fraudulent activity?

There are two main difficulties with working out which expense is which.

The first is that many times the billing date is not the purchase date, but a day or few after. The second is that the name that appears on the credit card bill is sometimes different from the name of the shop - particularly with internet retailers for instance.

Therefore whenever you make a purchase on the credit card you should write down the date, amount and what it was for.

Then use the amount as the 'key' when scanning down your credit card bill to find matching amounts. If there is something on your bill that is not in your log book and you are confident you have not forgotten to log something, then do ensure that you raise a query.

By: Stephen

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