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Coffee Is Bad For Your Immune System

Food And Drink : Great Food Tips

In contrast to tea, a lot of research of late seems to point to the fact that coffee is not so good for your immune system.

The reasons are complicated but it seems to be partly because coffee and the caffeine within it act to dehydraet your body, and this means that your body can be robbed of some vitamins and minerals that it needs.

Therefore you should always ensure that when you have coffee you follow it with a couple of glasses of water - this will ensure that you are able to enjoy the coffee without too much loss of vitamins and minerals!

By: Stephanie

More healthy foods advice

A range of studies have uncovered both positive and negative effects of coffee and combined, they suggest that moderation is the key. See http://www.professorshouse.com/food-beverage/beverages/effects-of-coffee.aspx and https://www.health.harvard.edu/press_releases/coffee_health_risk for more information.

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