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Converting Prospects To Business: Tips

Business : Business Questions

Converting a prospective client into a real client that you do business with is one of the key processes in business.

Ultimately leads are fantastic, and the more leads the better - but it is the close and getting that business which will make or break you in terms of ultimate success.

So how to convert prospects to business? Preparation.

Too many people who have a sales process send out the brochure to a very wide range of clients in their target market or sector. They then call to find out if they are interested or qualify the lead with no knowledge of the company other than it is in the particular sector and maybe in a certain geographic location.

It is better to find out more about a client and do some research and make a few less calls than make more calls with no knowledge of your client at all.

By finding out their situation, current priorities and reflecting this in your call you give a more personalised service and are more likely to have the client prepared to spend time speaking to you.

By: Job Expert

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