How To Cook Turkey As A Vegetarian
Food And Drink : Main Courses This can be quite difficult if you are a vegetarian but are doing a Christmas meal for others - here is a tip from Christine on how to do this: First, you don your 'Marigolds' (so you don't have to physically have to touch the dead bird). Then you hold it upside down over the sink & shake like mad (until the little bag of giblets falls out). Then you dispose of the horrible little bag (you're supposed to use the giblets to make the gravy but hey, what's wrong with Bisto.........) Then you plop the turkey into a baking tray, slather butter over it & a load of rashers of dead pig (sorry bacon). Then you cover the whole thing with bacofoil & shove it in the oven for hours. Meanwhile you open a bottle of something nice (after removing the 'Marigolds'. When done, you persuade one of the guests to carve it. Nothing to it really - can't think what the stress was all about.
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