How To Deal With A Whiner
Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips Parents Don?t Take It Personally If You Have A cranky child. Doc Says: He?s only doing it to get his way. Some children are temperamentally cranky. It?s just the way their wired. Other kids use crankiness as a means of manipulation. They quickly learn if I whine or cry, in the store mommy hates it. So I?m just going to do it, until I get a cookie or a toy. STOP RIGHT NOW PARENTS BEFORE THERE IS TROUBLE AHEAD. Here are some tips to head off, crankiness before it becomes a habit. If Ther?s A Problem Take Care Of It. Perhaps one of the biggest, causes of crankiness is physical need. The child is tired, hungry, or bored. Give him time for a nap, or if you?re out, put him on your shoulder. Get him something to eat, or distract him. DO NOT RESPOND TO WHINING. If your child uses whining to get your attention. Just say ? I don?t understand you when you whine.? So when you?re ready come, and tell me what is bothering you. Then we will talk about it. As soon as the whining stops say ? I?m glad you?re feeling better.? Pay Attention To The Good Stuff. Kids who are using crankiness to get attention, should get attention for other more pleasant things they do. The child who is picked up each time she smiles, coos, and gurgles, learns that every time she wants attention, all she has to do is smile , coo, or gurgle. DO NOT REWARD NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR. BY GIVING YOUR CHILD ATTENTION ONLY WHEN SHE?S CRANKY. If you do you will only, have more of that behavior. Raise A Do It Yourselfer. Kids use crankiness and whining as a way of saying ? Do this for me.? They whine because they can?t tie their shoes, or their blocks fall down. or don?t want to go to bed, or don?t want to eat. Whining is a flag signaling ? Please teach me some skills.? Rather than running to their first whine, give them some time and space. See if they can figure out what to do on their own. If they need some instructions, you?re close by. But make them brief and simple. Also make it clear that, you are confident they can do it themselves. The more you help, the more dependent they become. OLDER CHILDREN EXPLAIN THAT THEIR CRANKINESS IS WORKING AGAINST THEM. That way they will be able to understand, how crankiness affects other people.?
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