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How To Deal With Failure

Business : Running Your Business

Sometimes, businesses fail. It's a sad fact, perhaps, but true. And often it is not even your fault or that of your employees.

Simply due to changing times, some great product ideas are no longer applicable, or some useful innovation you work hard on developing is produced unbeknown elsewhere. Or perhaps a big player suddenly gets interested in your market and steals your market share.

The best way to view failure is not to view it as failure, but rather as a learning experience. Think that, by launching the business, you gave yourself a 50% chance of great success - much better than those who mindlessly walk into their standard jobs every day, working for an anonymous company that exists in no real sense.

Also, remember that you should learn a great deal from running your first business - juggling all the difficult skills that a small business owner needs to juggle means that next time you can do things better and quicker. There will still be mistakes, but you have learnt a great deal.

And therein lies the rub - don't give up. If you have a passion for running your own business, then when the next idea comes along, pursue that. The only word of caution - don't jump straight into a new venture. Have a good period of time to settle down first so that when the new idea comes along you can look at it practically and properly before committing.

By: Stephen

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