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How To Find Popular Search Terms

Computing : Search Engine Optimisation

If you want to target traffic for particular search terms, then it is of course useful to get a feel for just which search terms are being performed often by users.

This serves two purposes:

1) if a search term is being searched on a lot, chances are there are a lot of competitors for this keyword and it will be hard to get a high listing

2) if it is hardly being searched, it will be easier to target this and become a niche player for that search term, but of course you will not get much traffic if very people perform that individual search

To get a good idea of popular searches, you need to go to a site like wordtracker - at www.wordtracker.com - and get an idea.

It is worth taking an hour to analyse the sorts of searches that your potential customers are typing in, so you can target those that are most relevant, and get some ideas as to how to write your copy.

By: Seo Master

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