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Flying - Special Needs

Travel : Travel Tips

If you have special needs with regard your flight, then you may require assistance for or during your flight.

Therefore the key is to plan your trip well ahead, so that any obstacles are countered in advance so that on the day of the flight you can relax, in the knowledge of what's going on.

First, you should contact the relevant airlines that fly the route you are going and check their policies and service.

You should also ask if there is any charge - as sometimes it is complementary, and at other times depending on your requirements, there will be a surcharge on the cost of the flight.

Make sure that you discuss your requirements in advance so that you don't just turn up at the airport and have any requirements unannounced - this may cause delays and problems.

If you use a wheelchair, then check whether you can stay in the wheelchair all the way to the plane, or whether you must transfer to a special airline wheelchair.

The bottom line is to plan and ask all your questions well in advance, so that the day itself will go as smoothly as possible with no nasty surprises along the way!

By: Stephen

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