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Free Weight Loss Exercises

Health And Fitness : Weight Loss

Weight loss need not cost the earth, and you need not join a very expensive gym to get those pounds off.

Many of the best forms of exercise are free.

Here are some ideas of how to exercise for free:

- walking: research has shown this is a great way to lose weight

- jogging: if your joints are OK then consider jogging. Start off gentle first and remember to always consult your doctor first before undertaking this more strenuous form of exercise

- swimming: free in the sea or a public pool, but also quite cheap at sports centres. A great and relaxing form of exercise

- aerobics: may be a little cost involved, but only if you join a class. Rather consider getting an exercise video and simply joining in, watching the video on your TV and joining in with all the manouvres

- Around the house: walk up and down the tens at least ten times a day

By: Stephanie

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