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How To Get Rid Of Blemishes

Beauty : Skincare

Blemish Removal

It might sounds strange, but here's how to make blemises a thing of the past!

Pierce a garlic capsule and squeeze the contents into approx. 1 tablespoon of your favourite moisturiser. Dab on blemishes and see the improvement in your skin. Don't do this when you plan to go out, though; remember garlic kept even Dracula away!

By: Maryemm on Sat, Jun 15th 2002

More blemishes advice

A tried and true remedy for getting rid of blemishes and dark spots on your face:

3 Large Fresh Strawberries

Vinegar with the Mother in it (you can purchase it from any Health food Store)

Mash up strawberries with your hands or a fork, pour just enough Vinegar in the container to create a paste.

Spread on the problem area of your face,let dry and sleep with it on your face. Put towel on your pillow so you don't mess it up.

If you do not sleep alone, just make your mate aware, because it STINKS!!! but just imagine what beautiful skin you will have. You should see a difference in a week.


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Does this really work? I've been breaking out recently and I really want it gon...
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Where can I buy a garlic capsule?...
- Sat, Mar 20th 2004
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