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How To Handwash Clothes

Cleaning : Useful Cleaning Tips

Handwashing clothes is often a necessity as many delicate fabrics are not suitable for being put through a washing machine. You should always check if there are certain guidelines before you start handwashing though - sometimes garments require only a very cool handwash with a mild washing powder. Never put a garment that should be handwashed through the machine, as it will cause it to stretch and lose the proper shape.

You should wash items with similar colours together but remember to clean the sink of all traces of dye before doing anything white. If something is stained, you should pretreat it first with a stain remover as handwashing is not meant for removing difficult stains immediately.

To handwash normally, you should fill the sink with water that is hot but not so hot that you scald your hands when you place them in it. Don't fill it to right to the top or else you ill not have room to add the clothes. Add the soap powder, then place the item or items in the water and move them around the sink until they are really wet and start to absorb the soap.

If something has still got a stain on it then you should let it soak for a while. When it comes to the actual washing, hold the clothes in the water and knead each item firmly like a piece of dough, paying attention to areas like underarms.

You can drain the water and repeat the process if necessary, then rinse them by letting the cold water run into the empty sink and holding the garment under it and rinsing it until the water is clear.

By: Bev Woolfson on Fri, Apr 19th 2002

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