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How To Deal With A Child's Negativity

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

Doc said you may hear I can't. I won't I don't. Sound familiar?

These are the children that could use a dose of confidence building.
So watch for things that excite him, or make him feel good about himself. Now you comment on the fact that he is having a good time. These are the times your child is feeling sure of himself.
Once he experiences this confidence, he'll be more willing to try other things.

Don't get pushy. Allow your child to do things at his own pace. Just keep your eye and ear open to things he is attracted to.
But don't be suspicious doing it.

If your child is interested in animals on the t. v. then a visit to the zoo would be nice.
Or if interested in Karate, take him to the studio. These kinds of things will bring them out of their shells.

Rather than berate your child for being the way he is, try an be supportive. Talk to him see why he feels the way he does.
Listen to his feelings. But be reassuring, and encourage him to keep going.
He's making good progress.

If you sign your child up for maybe base ball, and he says he can hit the ball .
Or he can't bat. Starts to feel down, just say well let's just go for a little while.
See how you feel then. Usually they'll stay and finish. Some don't. But often they enjoy themselves, and don't want to bail out.

Kids have this false notion, that their parents are perfect. Never did any wrong.
You need to set the story straight.
For ex- you tried and didn't like, some things at first either. Or you kept trying until you did enjoy it. Kids need to hear we struggled with problems, fears, and screw - ups.
Otherwise kids aren't going to open up to the problems their having. Mom and dad were perfect. Look at me, I'm a reject.

It's not good for kids to keep things bottled up. Causes too much stress. Life is complicated enough for the youngsters.
Don't add more flame to the fire.

Have a story hour. Reveal things that happened to you as a youngster. Let them tell you one. Or they can make up one.
Need more quality time with the family.

Let your child know he can talk to you about any thing.

When your doing chores around the house, let them help to. This is usually when you can all share laughter. Laughter is good for all. Keeps our sanity. So mom and dad try it to.

Laughter is the best medicine, for a negative attitude born of fear.

Our kids need to know, they can make mistakes and laugh about them. Life will go on.

Use secret signals that your child is aware of. For instance use a thumbs up, when he is doing something wonderful.

Don't ever label your child. This is the fastest way to a set back. For ex- Don't say if you say my name, I'll play that game.
Or if you do this, I'll do that.
Let him progress on his own, with no uncomfortable feelings.

By: Bev

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