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How To Kickstart Your Job Search

Jobs : Job Search

If you are searching for jobs, or just wanting to move from your current role, then be assured. At any one time, research suggests, around 40% of staff in a large company are entertaining thoughts of moving on.

This also means that you are not alone, but that you should expect to take the next steps to move on, rather than just think about it.

So how to put your plan into action and kick start that search?

Well, start small. First of all start writing down on paper and getting the ideas in your head into tangible and real form on paper. This will start to crystallise your thinking processes.

Work out what you need to do and how to get there.

It may be that you decide to do something simple at first like researching all the different careers out there on a job site and seeing which suits.

But whatever it is, the key is to take the first steps to doing it. There is nothing more depressing than wanting to change jobs but due to lack of motivation doing nothing about it at all.

So, take that first step today, and you could be on the road to a happier and more satisfied you.

By: Job Expert

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