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Look Hot With Red Hair And Freckles

Beauty : Beauty Tips For Men

First of all i think red heads can be hot but my friend disagress and urges me to write this as we though of a few things when we made a little list

Start with your head. Not head of hair, babes... Your mental state. Decide if you are going to see your red hair and freckles as hot or not. If you own your assets and love them others will too!
Work your angle. only 1 of 16 people are born with red hair. YOu have the natural advantage of making a statement.
Check out magazines and fashion articles with pictures of hairstyles and clothes. Pick looks you like and mimic them with your own touches. If you've never done it before, mimic the looks really closely until you get the hang of it, then work into taking a look, using as inspiration and make up your own version.
As a fair skinned red head, certain colors may or may not look good on you. Be conscious of that. Ask sales people and hair stylists to weigh in on your ideas. Ask people who's job it is to consider colors to help you build a palette of clothing colors that you can rely on to make you look your best.
Make sure your haircut is always fresh and groomed as well as the rest of you. No nasal or ear hair! Keep eyebrows above your eyes and not your nose! Shave once in a while or groom your beard if you have one.
Don't be self conscious! That is NOT HOT. Quit giving such a crap about what others may or may not think of you. Put it this way, we can never control what others think, so don't bother. Confidence is hot.
Take care of that tender skin! Wear your high spf sun block and forget about getting a tan. It's stupid to fight your natural fairness. Wrinkles, sun damage, skin cancer... Not hot. Enjoy the beach and the sun, but keep yourself looking 10 years younger than your sunning counterparts.

By: Marianne

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