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How To Make A Home Made Hamster Cage

Pets : Other Pets

If you cant afford to buy expensive hamster cages in the pet shops, then why not make your own...

Look for a large plastic or rubber box that has high, smooth sides, ideally with handles on. A clear one is best so it lets light in and you can also keep an eye on your hamster.

Clean it out with some soap, water and a small amount of bleach. Thoroughly rinse and then dry it. Make sure it is away from any other large pets such as cats and dogs which could frighten or harm the hamster.

Add about 2 inches of hamster bedding to the bottom of the cage, but avoid pine or cedar wood shavings as the oils in them can cause breathing problems for small animals.

Fix a water bottle to the side of the box and be sure it is in reach for the hamster to drink from. Finally, add some toys and tubes for it to play on. Place a food bowl in the corner and fill it up once a day.

By: Danielle

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