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How To Organise Your Tax In Advance

Business : Tax

Any business, large or small, faces the annual burden of tax returns. The supposed nightmare of the process and the red tape is one reason that puts many would-be business entrepreneurs off starting up.

The key message is to be prepared in good time. Remember also that filling in your tax return online is one of the quickest and safest methods you can use. Here are another few key tips that will really help you when it comes to year end:

- Keep a copy of what you?ve submitted this year
- Don?t throw away paper work
- Keep a note of all income
- Ask for help from friends / colleagues if you are unsure

The bottom line is that, if you act in a disciplined manner through the year, and get into the habit of logging all your financial transactions, the process at year end will be less of a nightmare, and more of a breeze.

By: Stephen

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