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How To Overcome Unhappiness

Self Development : Happiness

People who are generally unhappy tend to display certain traits:

- they are over analytical and think too much about things

- they are not particularly busy, and have time to stew on things

- they blame and criticise themselves too easily

- they compare themselves to others too often

The best way to overcome unhappiness is to get busy. Busy people not only get more done, which in itself gives a buzz, but they simply do not have time to stew on what has gone wrong or what could go wrong.

There is a known correlation between happiness and productivity - we all like to feel we have achieved something, and a 'hards days work' can give a real buzz.

So, in order to overcome prolonged unhappiness over 'life in general', stop dwelling on the ifs, buts and maybes and take action - keep yourself busy, and you'll find you simply won't have time to feel unhappy anymore!

By: Stephanie

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