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Retaining Information: Regular Reviews

Self Development : Brain Power

If you want to retain information and knowledge in your mind, then you often need to recall it on a regular basis to keep it accessible.

As you will know happens, a week after an exam you can still remember most of the information. But come back to the subject a couple of years later, and you just won't be able to recall much at all.

Quite why this happens we are unsure - whether the information is literally lost from your mind, or whether it is simply there but not accessible by your conscious memory.

But the bottom line is that you need to keep on actively thinking over and about information to keep it fresh in your mind.

Therefore you should review what you have learnt an hour after the learning period. Then again a day later. Then again after a week and then at weekly intervals for as long as you need to hold that information in your mind.

This method will ensure the knowledge transfers from being in your memory over the short term to being held there in the long term, and being recallable for years to come.

By: Fred

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