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Search Engine Success: Keep The Site Basic

Computing : Search Engine Optimisation

If you are hoping to achieve success for your site in the rankings, then remember that search engines can't see.

This means that the fancy Flash animation and all singing and all dancing graphics you have on the site mean nothing - in fact if anything they count against the site as they take up valuable space and might make it hard to navigate.

A site that is easy for search engines to index is one that contains simple layout and navigation.

This means that all links should be text links - avoid graphical links, and certainly try to steer clear of javascript links or flash links, that will be hard or impossible for search engines to index.

Also avoid using frames to display your content - they will confuse visitors and search engines in particular no end.

A good, clean layout is best for the robot and - funnily enough - for most web users too.

By: Seo Master

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