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How To Stop Cats Fighting

Pets : Cats

Some cats are more aggressive by nature than others. Depending what other cats live near yours, there might be happy harmony all the time or the dreaded scenario of regular cat fights.

What can you do if you spot a cat fight to break it up, as it were?

The first thing to note is to try not to get right up close and in the middle of the fight. Two methods that work are:

1) using the cats dislike of water to your advantage - spray the most aggressive cat with water

2) to split up the cats use a large stick or other large piece of food, and place between the cats to physically separate them

Finally, remember to be careful and to ready to move out of the way if necessary - if a cat darts off, and there is also a danger that a cat might shift their attack to you if they are a particularly confident and aggressive cat, so be careful.

In the event that you yourself get bitten, then go to your doctor.

By: Stephanie

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