Successful Networking: Actively Add To Your Network
Career : Business Networking For some people networking is an activity that is only done in specific places - for instance a meeting at work, or even attending some networking function or similar. For the truly successful networker, however, additions can be made to the network, and are actively sought, at many different intervals. Thus when you meet someone out shopping they could a contact, the post name could be, the neighbour, someone who walks their dog and you talk to from time to time. There is no right or wrong person for a network and they don't all need to be business related directly - often the best connections come unexpectedly. Be sure not to pre-judge whether someone will be useful to have in your network, as they don't actively have a badge on their lapel saying what their connections are, and who they do and don't know - therefore take the time to meet many people and be as open minded as you possibly can.
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