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Weight Loss Without Dieting

Health And Fitness : Weight Loss

By eating some protein rich foods at breakfast, this will help you lose weight. Try a boiled or scrambled egg, some ham or even smoked salmon.

Eat soup for lunch as it fills you up for a longer time.

Dress in the right clothes, such as a horizontal striped top, and fool people into looking thinner.

If you order a pudding, then ask for 2 forks. Sharing it will make you eat less obviously and also save money. Most of us wont need a pudding after a meal anyway, we just think we do, so this way you still get one but not as much fat intake. Best of both worlds!

If you have hormonal imbalance problems then get this checked out by your doctor, as this can cause eating problems.

Try out different recipes and cook from scratch, so you actually learn whats being put into your food, and will probably end up eating less as well.

Drinking a glass of water before every meal will also help to fill you up and eat less.

By: Danielle

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