What Can Cause Spots
Beauty : Spots And Acne We all know that there are several things that can cause spots. One is eating sugary foods and having a poor diet and lack of exercise in general. Hormones are also often to blame during teenage years. But one thing that is particularly important is general hygiene and washing. Many people do not wash as well as they should and do not have the right attitude when it comes to washing and cleanliness. Remember that if you get spots but you do not deep clean your face a couple of times a day and so forth then you can't really complain about having spots! So do yourself a favour and look for a lifestyle change to get rid of spots: - drink lots of water - have a healthy diet and avoid too many sugary or fatty foods - take care of your skin every day and overnight
Questions about spots:how can i stop having spots?...- Tue, Aug 22nd 2006