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What Is Computer Authentication On Internet?

Computing : Internet

Authentication is the process of discovering a user's identity and determining its authenticity. The process is very similar to entering a hotel. First the doorman lets you in, if you don't look too shabby (possibly from a restricted domain) then you can move around the common areas — the lobby, the lounge, and so forth. If you want to get into a hotel room, you have to provide some means of authentication: a key, a smart card, or possibly a numeric code. The means of authentication is chosen by the hotel you are visiting. The hotel uses their chosen authentication provider (MasterLock standard key entry or HID Corp PoxCard smart card entry) and issues you an authentication ID. Once you have been assigned your authentication ID, you can use it to access resources for which you are authorized.

Once you have supplied your authentication key, a system determines if you are "authorized" to access this restricted area.

In a web-based application, when a user enters a restricted area of a web site, the user is gen­erally prompted to log in. Accessing secured web resources is a two-part process, which con­sists of "authenticating" the user's identity and then verifying the user's "authorization level" for the select web page or resource.

It is important to understand the difference between authentication and authorization. For instance, if you have an account at a bank, and I have an account at the same bank, both of our identities are known to the bank. Authentication happens when I enter the bank to make a withdrawal and provide the teller with my account number and my driver's license. The teller then verifies my identity with my license. The teller checks to see if my identity is "authorized" to access the resources that I have requested. In this case, I have asked for the money in your account. The point of this metaphor — just because the teller has verified who I am (authentica­ tion) doesn't mean that I can take money out of your account (authorization).

By: Gaurav Bora

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