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Journalists don't understand science

By: Daveyc [21-January-09 11:51PM]
117 posts

Yes folks, this may be a painful truth, but it is time to embrace it.

The vast majority of people who write articles for newspapers on science either can't be bothered to think about the data they are writing about, or simply don't understand it. There are some good science journalists but in the main they don't seem to 'get it'!

When you read a sciencey type piece in a newspaper (you can identify them readily because they are invariably about something that is either a miracle cure or a killer and never anything in between) you will see that they always beg the question, arbitrarily make cause-effect correlations and generally assume the hypothesis without providing any real evidence for it.

Here's the other thing. They are virtually always about biology due to the fact these are normally related to health in one way or another. What about some articles on chemistry or *shock horror* physics. Yes that might mean talking about tricky concepts like relativity and *deep breath* quantum mechanics but hey, this is much more interesting than a book review of even Harry Potter!

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