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Advertising/How To Make Brochures

Business : Advertising Your Business

You probably wonder how to make a brochure in 5th grade(for your state report). The best thing to use is Microsoft Office Publisher. It has a special program just for making brochues. It's also good to make Flyers and business cards. For very young entrepenuers trying to find ways to make money without the need for asking your parents, I suggest that girls go to the Amercian Girl website. There's a special page on how to start a business. I also reccomend the book A Smart Girl's Guide to Money, also from American Girl. Some of you won't have Micrsoft Office Pubisher. I was lucky because my dad already installed some stuff and it included Micrsoft Office Publisher. It was a 60 Day trial thing. Hope this helps entrepenuers, and good luck for your business!!!!!!

By: Jennifer

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