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How To Deal With Stings

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

In the Summer, be prepared. If you`re stung by a bee soothe the sting with water in which you have diluted bicarbonate of soda. If you`re stung by a wasp, dab some neat vinegar on the sting. Remember: B for bee and bicarb; V for Vinegar and Wasp.

By: Maryemm on Sun, Jun 16th 2002

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Doc Says:

This year be ready. You never know when screams are going to pierce the air./

Whether a bubble bee , yellow jacket, hornet, , honeybee , or wasp, the pain is the same.
There are ways for children, not getting stung in the first place. But just in case here’s some expert advice.

Remove That Stinger.

If child is stung by a bumble bee or honey bee the stinger will be left behind.
The stinger has a venom sac attached, so you have to remove it.
DO NOT TRY TO PULL IT OUT .Pullingl a stinger can squeeze the venom sac, and release more venom. Instead take a blunt edged object such as a credit card, knife, or fingernail, and gently scrape the stinger and whisk it out.

Could Try A Hi-TechVenom Remover..

After removing the stinger you can use a product called Sting X Tractor. Sold in many outdoor and camping stores, to remove venom. Looks like a big syringe, without the needle. You stick it in against the skin, and it sucks out the venom liquid. This is a must if you spend a lot of time out doors. It can be used for any spider bites, or any venomous insect bite or sting.

Keep The Area Clean.
Clean the wound with soap and water.What’s going to cause the infection , is not the bite or sting. But the child’s own germs getting into the wound. This area needs to be washed several times a day. Plus a few more days after, until the skin heals. When infections occur, it is usually a few days after being stung.

Cool It.

For bee stings put ice in a cloth and apply to the bite for 10 – 30 minutes. Be sure to keep ice from the direct contact with the skin. Don’t want to freeze it. If your child refuses the ice, use a wash cloth wrung out in cold water.This will help with pain, itching, and tenderness.

Make A Paste.
A paste of baking soda and water, applied directly to the stung area for 15 – 20 minutes,can relieve the pain.

Apply Antiperspirant.

Take an under arm deodorant, that contains aluminum chlorohydrate, and work it in. . . It will relieve the pain, and itching. It’s believed to neutralize part of the venom.

Swab With Ammonia.
Carefully dab a bit of household ammonia on a cotton ball, and swab the sting.

Try Antihistimine.
An antihistamine such as Benedryl may, lessen some of the unpleasant side effects of a bee sting. Such as swelling, inflammation, itching, pain and allergic reaction. Benedryl is really a safe medicine, and you can buy it with no prescription.. Comes in liquid, tablet, or capsule form. Be sure and read the directions. The cream and spray stay away from,.could cause a reaction.

Give Pain Relief.
Children over two years, can take Children’s Tylenol. Read directions for you child’s weight, and age. Under age two see doc.

Pretend to be a statue , when bees come around. Bees attack when they feel threatened.
Make like a staue, and stiffen up. If a bee lands on you, he won’t stay, he has no reason to sting.

Dress Them In Light Colors.
Bees will think your a flower patch. Then you will have problems. No neon colors or flashy patterns.

Don’t Smell Sweet On Out Door Outings.
No sweet smells of soap, perfume, cologne, or even hair spray. These really attract.

Repel Them.
A bath oil from Avon, called Skin So Soft, helps repel insects and is safe for children.

Cover Up All Sweet Drinks.
Bees like sweets to. Their drawn to sweets. It is not unusual for a bee to get into a soft drink can. Then your child takes a drink, and gets stung. Keep all cans and bottles covered. Better yet, use thermoses with caps. Replace caps immediately after a drink.

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