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How To Control High Blood Pressure

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

High Blood Pressure

Doc says:

Anyone with high blood pressure needs to be under doc?s care. Not only for monitoring, but medication. Around 60 million people have this. You can do something about it, without drugs.

Get exercising, avoid smoking, manage your stress, change your diet, limit the alcohol, salt and fat.
There are some known factors, that will help take your pressure down a notch or two. They will help slash your risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease.

Munch On That Celery.
Celery and it?s oils have been used in medicines, for centuries to treat high blood pressure, and circulatory problems. Celery relaxes muscles lining the arteries. This allows the muscles that regulate the blood pressure to dialate. It does not take much to reap the rewards. Eat 3 stalks per day.

Gobble Down That Garlic.
Garlic is another blood pressure buster. We know what the garlic does, but we?re still trying to find out why. You need to eat one clove a day, for any beneficial effect.

Get A Pet.
It is known that when people touch a pet, the pressure goes down. Even looking at a fish in a tank, seems to put people at ease and lower the pressure, and reduce stress.

Speak Softly.

If you raise your voice during a normal conversation, it can significantly raise the blood pressure. So you can imagine what it would do in an outrage.

Chronic anger may be a serious risk for coronary heart disease.

Don?t Lie Around.
Lying around will boost blood pressure, because it requires more brain function. The more you lie, the more you add stress.

Make Your Exercises Aerobic.
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to lower blood pressure. But it has to be the right kind. Heavy weight lifting should be avoided. Weight lifting can cause blood pressure to temporarily skyrocket, especially if you hold your breath while lifting. Like most people do.

Get Laughing.
A few good laughs is the best medicine.
It?s as good as relaxation, exercise, or other methods used to combat stress.
When you laugh you decrease adrenaline and cortisone production. A good prescription is to go into a room by yourself, and just laugh for a few minutes. Or act silly. Do this twice a day at least. This is a very sane thing to do. Besides no ones going to think you?ve lost it. They won?t see you. If they do, let them join in.

People who are frustrated, angry, or unhappy, need this laughter therapy the most.



By: Bev

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