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Headache Causes And Cures

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

Teeth grinding is a common cause of head aches. If you mainly suffer in the morning then your teeth may be to blame, as people often unknowingly grind them during their sleep. This is called Bruxism. If you have jaw pain as well then its even more likely this is the cause. Visit the dentist and ask for a mouth guard to protect your teeth during the night.

Stress also causes headaches, so keep your work load to a minimum and try to relax when you're at home. Make plans and write notes to ensure you meet deadlines in advance.

Poor posture and eye strain from looking at a computer screen for too long, or too closely is also another culprit. Take regular breaks away from the screen and sit in an upright position in a comfortable chair which has a back rest. Get some glasses or take an eye test when needed.

Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. Avoid strong smelling perfumes as this can also trigger headaches. Take an over the counter paracetemol to cure the problem. If this doesnt work, dont take too many more as it can make it worse.

By: Danielle

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