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Healing Foods Part 3

Health And Fitness : Health Improvements

This is one of the most valuable foods used on the planet. It has been eaten daily, by Hebrews, /Egyptians, Babylonians, Roman’s etc. They all ate it for endurance and strength. Garlic thins the blood and this reduces the risk of blood clots, and helps prevent heart attacks. It lowers serum cholesterol levels and aids in digestion. Garlic is used for many illnesses, including cancer.
The Russians call it as a natural antibiotic.
Every one should eat garlic daily.
Garlic was used to treat wounds and infections in WWI
It is also effective against Candidiasis, Athlete’s foot, vaginal yeast infection, and most pathogenic fungi.
Garlic oil is good for the heart and the colon. Also effective in treating arthritis, and circulation problems.
Place some garlic cloves in one quart of oil and keep it refrigerated. It will last one month. Use it for sautéing, and in salads.
An alternative is the Kyolic. Comes in tablet, capsule and extract. This is an odorless garlic product.

By: Bev

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