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Self Employment And Mail Shots

Business : Self Employment

In addition to networking as a method of finding work, another simple method that you can use is to mail shot.

The best technique is probably to do a small mail shot, but to do it regularly - for instance once every couple of weeks would be an ideal amount.

In order to get suitable organisations to write for see if there is information you can access in trade directories or professional membership listings for your industry or sector.

Remember that certain companies almost present themselves as candidates to approach, for instance if they are moving or developing new products or anything like that - this is often when they will be on the look out for external help and advice and a time where you might be able to come in and offer your skills and services.

Of course you could also try and develop relationships with any trade magazines and papers - contact them and they may start to use you most issues for quotes - saves phoning round the usual list of suspects or worse them desperately trying to find someone to issue a suitable quote!

By: Fred

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