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How To Survive A Heatwave

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

Heat waves can cause dehydration, exhaustion, heat strokes, and of course headaches, so its important to keep as cool as possible during the hottest days in summer. High humidity and the lack of breezes makes the situation worse, especially for people with underlying health problems.

Drink lots of cold fluids, especially water, and avoid alcohol, coffee and tea which can make you thirstier.

Stay in the shade whenever possible and try to not go out between 11am and 3pm where it is the hottest. If you do go out, wear a high factor sun tan cream, a hat and loose fitting clothing to allow air to circulate.

Take a cool shower or bath during the day if you get too hot, or splash water on your back, face and back of your neck then stand in front of a fan and rest for a while. This will cool you down.

If its hotter outside than indoors then close all the windows and doors. Draw curtains shut too if needed.

Eat lots of foods which contain water, such as fruit or salads.

By: Danielle

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