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Your Current MP: How To Contact Them


There are a wide range of ways of contacting your local MP.

You should be able to phone up their constituency office as each MP has a parliamentary secretary who will manage their diary for them.

Their constituency office should be able to put you in touch with your MP.

Each MP will hold surgeries in their constituency which is the official term for a time when constituents can come and meet them and talk to them, discuss their grievances and so on and generally ask the MP for help.

Some MPs are more accessible than others.

A standard backbench MP should be there for their constituents and reasonably accessible.

However a high ranking cabinet minister for instance will obviously be more busy and away more often on official government business and may therefore be harder to contact.

There are several websites that monitor who your MP is, what they do, their activity in the house and how to contact them.

You can also contact them by letter by writing to the house of commons, and you will receive a reply to your letter.

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