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Learning To Use A Computer

Common Email And Messaging Acronyms Explained
Some times you get an email or message and aren't sure of the codes people are using. Here are some common ones: LOL - laugh out loud, or lots of...

How To Get A Free Email Account
One of the first things you might want to do when you get online for the first time is to set up a free email account. Of course you may get one with your...

How To Improve Your Web Searches
If you are a new computer user, then you may get frustrated at the quality of the results you get for the searches you perform. If you are getting too many...

How To Move Text Between Documents
One of the most common tasks you may want to perform if you are getting into computing for the first time will be to move text from one document to...

How To Search The Internet
Searching the internet is one of the most common activities performed these days, and many people perform hundreds of searches each and every day! There are...

How To Take A Screenshot Of Your Screen
Sometimes you may want to take a screenshot of your computer screen. This could be to show an error message you are getting to a support team or simply to...

How To Undo Or Redo An Action In A Word Processor
If you are using a word processor of any sort on your PC then there will be times where you will want to undo something, and equally times where you would want...

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