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6c - Recalling A Number Using A Pattern

Education : How To Excel In Exams Part II

If trying to recall a number, for a formula perhaps or the value of a mathematical constant, again try to remember any groupings you made, or relevant sequence of numbers inside it. If the number was, say, 2466531, then when you remembered it you may have noticed these things which you can later try to recall:

Starts with a sequence of even numbers increasing from 2 (2, 4, 6), then stays there (6), then goes back down in odd numbers to 1 (5, 3, 1). It has a double-6 in the middle.

The difference between the numbers from one end and the other is always one (2-1, 4-3, 6-5) with a 6 in the middle. The sum of the number is 27. Think around. Try and relax.

Do not panic. You could try and move on and see if the answer suddenly comes to you when doing something quite different, for instance another question.

By: Examexpert

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