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How To Control Hay Fever

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

Visit your GP if you have hayfever for the first time as they can offer you various treatments and work out which one will be the best option for you. This is more important if you have asthma, are pregnant or breastfeeding, have other health problems or are taking medication.

You could try Antihistamines, because these are good at getting rid of sneezing, itching and watery eyes. They are either tablets or syrup. Avoid cheaper ones which can cause drowsiness. Choose non sedating ones too.

Steroid Nasal Sprays may also work and can be used to prevent hayfever or at least reduce it by using it in advance. It reduces inflammation in the eyes and nose.

Nasal Decongestants can help to unblock your nose, and can often be found at a local chemist.

Eye Drops will help reduce the red and itchyness of your eyes and can be used as a prevention.

Complementary therapies may also help although there is no scientific evidence to back them up yet. You may be able to find information on these online, from a trusted website, or health stores.

By: Danielle

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