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How To See Better At Night

Health And Fitness : Eyes

It is well known that some people find it harder to see at night compared to others.

Often age is a factor and hence many older people do not like driving at night or feel that they cannot do it safely as their night vision is either poor or declines.

Given this, what can you do to improve poor vision at night?

Well, diet can play a large role in this. Ensure that you have lots of vitamin A in your diet as this is linked strongly to night vision. You can find this in foods such as tomatoes, carrots - hence their association - and fish and spinach, too.

Note too that practice exercises at discriminating objects in the dark can help, too.

For instance: at night look out your window and try to train your eye on objects in the garden or on the horizon and so forth. Practice finding and picking out objects that you know are there in the relative dark or twi-light. Clearly when fully dark you are not expected to be able to see them!

By: Fred

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