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Alternatives To Equity Release
Sell your home for a smaller one...

Equity Release And Flexibility
How do you want your money...

Finding Out About Equity Release
equity release

Home Reversion Explained
What is home reversion...

How To Cut Your Water Bill
Water waste of money?

How To Decide If Equity Release Is Right For You
The pros and cons of equity release...

How To Find Out More About Equity Release
A useful equity release website...

How To Find UK House Prices

How To Get A Larger Mortgage
There are many things you can use to try and get a larger mortgage if you are struggling to be able to be lent the amount of money that you need for the...

How To Get A Lower Mortgage Rate
Here's a tip that people have used in the past and sometimes with success. Why does this tip work? Because your mortgage is very profitable device for a...

How To Get A Second Mortgage
Mortgages, mortgages...

How To Get The House You Want
If you want to get a house, then chances are that others will want the same house too! If you enter a bidding war, what can you get to make the house...

How To Meet Your Mortgage Payments
If money is tight, then meeting mortgage payments can be tough. But for many they can pay their mortgage - and indeed they should only receive the mortgage...

How To Predict The Movement Of Interest Rates
Money and interest rates...

How To Reduce The Size Of Your Mortgage
Overpay as much as you can...

How To Reduce Your Home Insurance
Home insurance reduction...

How To Reduce Your Mortgage
How to reduce your mortgage...

How To Save For Your First House Purchase
Recent surveys have shown that the age at which people are buying their first property is going up and up. And for those who don't have the bank of Mum and...

How To Save Money On Your Mortgage
One of the best ways to save money on your mortgage in the long term is to overpay in the short term, if you are able to do so. We all know the mortgage is...

How To Save On Your Mortgage
One of the main ways that people can save money is through re-mortgaging. That's because, in order to tempt you to take out a mortgage, a provider will...

How To Save Thousands On A Mortgage
Save thousands by reducing the length of your mortgage...

How To Slash Your Household Bills
You can slash your bills...

How To Stop Interest Rates Affecting Your Mortgage
With most mortgages, a swing in interest rates will affect your repayments. Specifically, when the interest rate goes up then there will be an increase in...

How To Treat Your Mortgage If Interest Rates Drop
Interest rates will affect your payments...

How To Understand Equity Release
Clearly explains equity release as a concept...

How To Work Out Mortgage Cashback Offer
If you get a mortgage cashback offer, then how do you work out the actual value of the offer? All you do is this simple calculation: Divide cashback by...

Lifetime Mortgage: Eligibility
Age requirements for lifetime mortgages...

Lifetime Mortgages Explained: Equity Release
What is a lifetime mortgage...

Mortgage Terms Explained - Bidding War
If you are an estate agent or the seller, then this is what you are really hoping for. Conversely if you want to buy a property, then it is not quite so good...

Mortgage Terms Explained - Capital Gains Tax
Tax - another tax! Capital gains tax, which you might heard shortened to CGT, refers to a tax that is levied on the profits of a sale above a certain...

Mortgage Terms Explained - Down Payment
If you come across the phrase down payment in mortgage related vernacular, it simply refers to the the amount of the price (purchase) the buyer pays in cash -...

Mortgage Terms Explained - Escrow
The term escrow refers to the use of an impartial third party, usually employed when there is a sizeable sum of money involved, to ensure that both sides are...

Mortgage Terms Explained - Fixed Rate Mortgage
A fixed rate mortgage is a term you are sure to come across when investigating a mortgage. Luckily it is also one of the clearest and most understandable...

Mortgage Terms Explained - Foreclosure
Foreclosure is a term that you don't want to hear, because it is related to a default on a mortgage. Essentially is the removal of the property from the...

Mortgage Terms Explained - GFE
GFE stands for Good Faith Estimate in the mortgage vernacular. It is a written estimate of expected closing costs. It is usually a good estimate - of...

Mortgage Terms Explained - Point
Point in this instance refers to a percentage point - that is, one percent of a mortgage loan. You may also come across terms such as origination points and...

Mortgage Terms Explained - Title Insurance
Title insurance refers to a policy guaranteeing the owner has title to a property. In other words it establishes the legal rights of the owner over the...

Mortgage Terms Explained: Alienation Clause
If you are a fan of Marxist or Hegelian philosophy then you might have another idea about what alienation is! For the rest of you, the term in mortgage...

Mortgage Terms Explained: Appraisal
An appraisal in mortgage land means the same as it does anywhere else. It is a written assessment. In the case of a mortgage, it is a written report of the...

Mortgage Terms Explained: APR
With a loan of any sort - mortgage or standard from your bank - you will come across the term APR. But many people don't know what APR stands for, or what it...

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