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Peter receives a salary of $32,000a year. How much does he receive each fortnight?

Question asked by: knowitall

32000 dollars in a year, how much in a fortnight.

This is a simple question as long as you know one key fact: that in a year, there are a total of 52 weeks.

Armed with this knowledge you just need to divide 32000 by 52 and then to multiply by two. This is the equivalent of dividing by 26.

The answer is $1230.77

By: Unknown
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Comments and other answers:

To get the answer, you don't necessarily need to know that there are 52 days in a year. You just need the days. There are 365 days in a normal year, with 366 days in a leap year. What you have to do is divide $32,000 by the days of the year, which gives you the daily pay. Then multiply by 14 (for the 14 days) to get the answer. The answer of the normal year is $1227.38 The answer of a leap year is $1224.02 NOTE: Do not divide by the weeks of the year as there is not exactly 52 weeks; there are a few days left over.
By: Calcuchic

Date of comment: Thu, Apr 30th 2009

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