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Can two black haired people have a ginger haired baby?

Question asked by: flatley

Asked on: 06 Oct 2008

Can they have a blonde haired baby?

Have a look around town next time you are out and look at the parents of children who do not have dark hair.

If you ever see a child that has a different hair colour to both its parents then you will have your answer!

By: knowitall
Replied at: 12 Oct 2008
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Around tanzania there is a albino football team. These guys are pure albino from black african parents with other black siblings.
By: wolfmother

Date of comment: Sat, Jan 22nd 2011

Yes, two parents from dark hair can have a ginger haired baby. A child recieves two genes for hair (one from each parent). If the mother has a gene for dark hair and light hair, the dark haired gene will be dominant and the mother will have dark hair. If the father has a gene for dark hair and light hair, the dark haired gene will be dominant and the father will have dark hair. If the child recieves the gene for light hair from his mom AND from his dad, he will have light hair...even though both his parents have dark hair. This is a case of dominant and recessive traits.
By: heyocean

Date of comment: Fri, Jul 9th 2010

It Depends Really On What Colour of hair the Grandparents Have. when you are born you get a trait from your mum and one from your dad. so you have 2.what colour your hair is depends on wether the traites are recessive or dominant. if you are given a brown trait and a blonde trait the brown is dominant therefore you will have brown hair but if you have 2 blonde traits they are both resessive and they are the same so you will have blonde hair. if two black people happen each to have a brown hair trait and a ginger hair trait and they both give the child a ginger hair trait it is possible for two black people to have a ginger child.
By: Chelsea-x

Date of comment: Sat, Mar 7th 2009

It Depends Really On What Colour of hair the Grandparents Have. when you are born you get a trait from your mum and one from your dad. so you have 2.what colour your hair is depends on wether the traites are recessive or dominant. if you are given a brown trait and a blonde trait the brown is dominant therefore you will have brown hair but if you have 2 blonde traits they are both resessive and they are the same so you will have blonde hair. if two black people happen each to have a brown hair trait and a ginger hair trait and they both give the child a ginger hair trait it is possible for two black people to have a ginger child.
By: Chelsea-x

Date of comment: Sat, Mar 7th 2009

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