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How can I make my make up stay on longer?

Question asked by: knowitall

To make your make up stay on for longer, then you should ensure that you go for powder based products.

The reason for this is that they tend to be longer wearing and stay on better during the day, in contrast the cream sort of substances and make up will be easier to smear and rub off.

Therefore powder is the way to go for longer lasting make up!

By: Unknown
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Try using a face primer first such as MACs prep and prime for face , then your foundation ( you CAN use liquid if you take these steps to keep it on ) then some powder , either skin toned or translucent to set it , and then a setting spray to keep in in place , such as Model In A Bottle . Also , the better the quality of your makeup the more staying power it will have .
By: MakeupGeek

Date of comment: Tue, Aug 17th 2010

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